Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 4 | Friday, May 24

Today was a less busy day, which was good because we were kind of tired :) . We went and toured the Jelly Belly factory and visitor center. 

Jelly Belly bean mosaics! 

The store was loaded with everything Jelly Belly, from candy, to t-shirts, to jewelry!

The even had a special section for disgusting flavored jelly beans. These beans are called "Bean Boozled" because they are the same color as other normal flavors. Is that a chocolate pudding bean you've just picked up, or canned dog food?! Are you sure that's a strawberry jam, because it might be a centipede!

We took a tour of the Jelly Belly factory, but unfortunately you're not allowed to take pictures. Emily did take these pics before we went back in the production area.

Notice the lovely caps you're required to wear at all times while on your tour?

After the tour we tried some different flavors at the Sample Bar. Emily was brave and had pencil shavings, and Michaela went for the baby wipes. Yum! :)

We decided to buy some "Belly Flops", i.e. beans that weren't quite up to snuff. They're half the price and taste just as good, but you have to be wary of the "Bean Boozle" ones that are floating around in the bag. They were having a special buy 3 get 2 free deal, so we ended up with 10 pounds of jelly beans!

For lunch we stopped at one of Aunt Carole's favorite places, Bab's Diner.

We're supposed to be smiling for the picture, but Michaela looks more like she's falling asleep on Em's shoulder...

Aunt Carole wanted to check out a few places at the near-by outlet mall, so we amused ourselves by trying on some lovely shoes ;)

What do ya' think Mom? Should I have gotten them?

This afternoon we rode in Aunt Carole's 1926 Model T to the store. Her name is T-Time (like Model T and tea).

Isn't their house adorable?!!!

Scout's doppelganger. 

-Michaela and Emily


  1. Haha, I don't think Michaela was actually falling asleep on Em's shoulder; I think she was just dizzy from eating so many jelly beans. ;) (just kidding)

    Y'know, the jelly bean factory was cool and all, but what I'm really jealous about is the Model T. O_O I want one. ;) I love that it says Route 66 on the back - gosh, it's just so adorable! You need to take it back with you guys... your aunt wouldn't mind at all, would she? ;)

    So glad you gals are having fun!! I love your skirt and sweater, Em! It looks like something I would wear. And Michaela, your hair is so pretty! :)

  2. One of those bags better have my name on it!!! Michaela, you definitely should have gotten those shoes :)
